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Localization in Android Apps
- Authors
- Name
- Muhammad Khoshnaw
- @MoKhoshnaw
This article explains how to localize strings in Android applications within a clean architecture 1 environment. It covers best practices, tools, and techniques to make localizing your application easy and more maintainable.
First, let's define our localized strings using data classes in the entity layer.
package com.example.localizedstring.entity
import java.io.Serializable
sealed interface LocalizedString : Serializable
data class LocalizedIntId(
val id: Int,
val args: List<Any> = emptyList()
) : LocalizedString
data class LocalizedStringId(
val id: String,
val args: List<Any> = emptyList()
) : LocalizedString
data class LocalizedRawString(
val string: String
) : LocalizedString
object LocalizedEmptyString : LocalizedString
We need an interface named LocalizedString
that represents a localized string. but usually in big android projects a localized string can be represented with an Int id or a String id, String id localization is more common if you are getting the strings from a server and usually projects have a third party that organizes those strings.
So we will create two data classes LocalizedIntId
and LocalizedStringId
that represent a localized string with an Int id and a String id respectively.
We will also create a data class LocalizedRawString
that represents a raw string without any localization this will be needed if your string don't need localization or in our tests for creating dummy strings. Finally, we will create an object LocalizedEmptyString
that represents an empty string.
Usually In addition to the main localized string, we might need to pass some arguments to the string, We will add an optional list of arguments to the localized strings.
Now let's create some helper functions to create localized strings. those functions will help us to create localized strings easily. And it will make the user of the localized string not aware of the implementation details of the LocalizedString interface.
package com.example.localizedstring.entity
fun localizedString(
id: Int,
vararg args: Any
): LocalizedString = LocalizedIntId(id = id, args.toList())
fun localizedString(
id: Int,
args: List<Any>,
): LocalizedString = LocalizedIntId(id = id, args.toList())
fun localizedString(
id: String,
vararg args: Any
): LocalizedString = LocalizedStringId(id = id, args.toList())
fun localizedString(
id: String,
args: List<Any>
): LocalizedString = LocalizedStringId(id = id, args.toList())
fun localizedRowString(
string: String
): LocalizedString = LocalizedRawString(string = string)
fun localizedString(): LocalizedString = LocalizedEmptyString
fun Int.toLocalizedString(
vararg args: Any
): LocalizedString = LocalizedIntId(id = this, args = args.toList())
fun String.toLocalizedString(
vararg args: Any
): LocalizedString = LocalizedStringId(id = this, args = args.toList())
fun String.toLocalizedRowString(): LocalizedString = localizedRowString(string = this)
fun LocalizedString.withArgs(
vararg args: Any
): LocalizedString = when (this) {
is LocalizedIntId -> LocalizedIntId(id = id, args = args.toList())
is LocalizedStringId -> LocalizedStringId(id = id, args = args.toList())
else -> this
In your ViewModel, we need some utils functions that help us to get the localized strings more easily.
package com.example.localizedstring.adapters.viewModel
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Context
import android.content.res.Resources
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.empty
import timber.log.Timber
fun Context.string(@StringRes id: Int) = runOrEmpty {
fun Context.string(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any) = runOrEmpty {
resources.string(id, *formatArgs)
fun Fragment.string(@StringRes id: Int) = runOrEmpty {
fun Fragment.string(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any) = runOrEmpty {
requireContext().string(id, *formatArgs)
fun Activity.string(@StringRes id: Int) = runOrEmpty {
fun Activity.string(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any) = runOrEmpty {
this.resources.string(id, *formatArgs)
fun Resources.string(@StringRes id: Int): String = runOrEmpty {
fun Resources.string(@StringRes id: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): String = runOrEmpty {
getString(id, *formatArgs)
private const val STRING_RESOURCE_TYPE = "string"
fun Context.getStringResourceByName(
aString: String,
vararg formatArgs: Any,
): String = runCatching {
val packageName: String = packageName
val resId: Int = resources.getIdentifier(aString, STRING_RESOURCE_TYPE, packageName)
getString(resId, *formatArgs)
}.getOrElse {
The getStringResourceByName in this example is getting the android resource string id by its name, this is usually different in real life projects, since usually you have a third party that organizes the strings. But this is a good example to show how to get a string by its name.
Now lets create some extension functions to get the localized strings.
package com.example.localizedstring.adapters.viewModel
import android.app.Activity
import android.content.Context
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.LocalizedEmptyString
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.LocalizedIntId
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.LocalizedRawString
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.LocalizedString
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.LocalizedStringId
import com.example.localizedstring.entity.empty
fun LocalizedIntId.string(): String = string(LocalContext.current)
fun LocalizedIntId.string(context: Context): String {
val translatedArgs = args.map { arg ->
if (arg is LocalizedString) arg.string(context)
else arg
return context.string(id, *translatedArgs.toTypedArray())
fun LocalizedStringId.string(): String = string(LocalContext.current)
// TODO: User your third party library to get the string if you have one
fun LocalizedStringId.string(context: Context): String =
context.getStringResourceByName(id, *args.toTypedArray())
fun LocalizedRawString.string(): String = string
fun LocalizedEmptyString.string(): String = String.empty
fun LocalizedString.string(): String = string(LocalContext.current)
fun Fragment.string(
localizedString: LocalizedString
): String = localizedString.string(requireContext())
fun Activity.string(
localizedString: LocalizedString
): String = localizedString.string(this)
fun LocalizedString.string(context: Context): String = when (this) {
is LocalizedIntId -> string(context)
is LocalizedStringId -> string(context)
is LocalizedRawString -> string()
is LocalizedEmptyString -> string()
fun List<LocalizedString>.string(): List<String> = map { it.string() }
Those extension functions are simply detecting the type of the localized string and getting the translation with the arguments if needed.
In your repository mappers instead of returning the raw string, you should return the localized string. this wey the string and its arguments will be encapsulated in the localized string object. and your view models you can simply pass them to the view.
fun UniverseDestinyResultRemote.toEntity() = UniverseDestinyResult(
message = localizedString(id = messageTranslationKey, args = messageArgs),
success = success,
View (composable)
In your composable you can simply call the .string()
extension function to get the localized string. The composable don't need to know how to get the string, it just needs to know how to display it.
fun MyComposable() {
val intIdString = localizedString(R.string.app_name)
val intIdStringWithArgs = localizedString(R.string.reset_existence_delay_button, 2)
val stringIdString = localizedString("app_name")
val stringIdStringWithArgs = localizedString("reset_existence_delay_button", 2)
val rawString = localizedString("Hello World!")
val emptyString = localizedString()
Column {
Text(text = intIdString.string())
Text(text = intIdStringWithArgs.string())
Text(text = stringIdString.string())
Text(text = stringIdStringWithArgs.string())
Text(text = rawString.string())
Text(text = emptyString.string())
View (Activity/Fragment)
In your Activity or Fragment you can simply call the string()
extension function and pass the localized string to it.
class MyFragment : Fragment() {
private val textView = TextView(context) // just for demonstration
//create your view
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val intIdString = R.string.app_name.toLocalizedString()
val intIdStringWithArgs = R.string.reset_existence_delay_button.toLocalizedString(2)
val stringIdString = "app_name".toLocalizedString()
val stringIdStringWithArgs = "reset_existence_delay_button".toLocalizedString(2)
val rawString = "Hello World!".toLocalizedRowString()
val emptyString = localizedString()
textView.text = string(intIdString)
textView.text = string(intIdStringWithArgs)
textView.text = string(stringIdString)
textView.text = string(stringIdStringWithArgs)
textView.text = string(rawString)
textView.text = string(emptyString)
Sample App
You can see the full implementation in the following sample app. The app is a simple game like app that user tab a button to increase its score.
Check the sample app on GitHub
To read more about clean architecture check out Clean Architecture ↩